Here at Getting Down Under HQ we’ve focused our efforts on publishing news and articles specific to what’s going on in the world of Australian Immigration right now.
The thing is, there isn’t ALWAYS something going on (of interest to our readers anyway). This means that the pages of our site don’t update as often as we’d like them to and if you are one of the many folks who visit our site every day, it’s not going to be particularly exciting for you either!
With this in mind, we have decided to introduce a number of articles written by guest authors. These Articles are focused on educating our Getting Down under readers on the process of migrating to Australia and we’ll look to publish a new article every day for at least the next couple of weeks. If the articles prove to be a popular introduction then we’ll look to source some more.
With this last point in mind. If you’re a budding author with something to contribute specific to the Australian Migration Process then why not get in contact with us and we’ll have a chat about publishing your articles on our site.
We look forward to hearing from you.
In the meantime, on to the first article which has been submitted by Jhon Foster. Jhons article covers the Student Visa for Australia and you can find the article posted here.
This article originally appeared on getting down Since January 2006, Getting Down Under has been providing Free Australian Immigration news, advice and resources and currently stands as one of the largest independent Australian Migration Websites in the world. As well as the latest Immigration News, getting down under also hosts a thriving immigration forum which can be found by clicking here