Hi all, well for our more regular visitors, you may have noticed that the availability of Getting Down Under has been very off and on of late.
Since January 2006, Getting Down Under has been hosted on it’s own server located in (of all places) Texas!
As technology has evolved we’ve found ourselves becoming a little left behind and the recent crash was a sign that we needed to move our site to a more stable host.
With this in mind on Friday morning we started to backup out site in preperation for the move to a new web host and it was during this process that our old server completly died!
36 hours, MUCH stress and numerous emails later we’ve managed to conclude our move. Ironically Getting Down Under is now hosted out of the UK (where my own move down under started from) and although there is a little housekeeping to do (eg deleting some of the duplicate posts in our forums and tidying up some of the funny characters appearing in our articles) I’m happy that the process is over.
I am sorry for the down time though. In a perfect world I should have been able to set up an exact replica of the site on the new host before flicking the switch to swap. Unfortunatly I didn’t have this option available to me I’m afraid!
Anyway it’s done now and with the new host I can leave a large portion of the technical updates to someone else.
It’s good to be back!
This article originally appeared on getting down under.com. Since January 2006, Getting Down Under has been providing Free Australian Immigration news, advice and resources and currently stands as one of the largest independent Australian Migration Websites in the world. As well as the latest Immigration News, getting down under also hosts a thriving immigration forum which can be found by clicking here