Hi Guys, I’ve been meaning to make this service available for a while but it’s taken me a little time to identify an appropriate Australian Immigration Company with whom we could partner with to offer this serice.
I’m pleased to confirm that we have chosen to partner with National Visa’s and in conjunction with National Visa’s we are now able to offer all Getting Down Under visitors a FREE Austraian Visa assessment tool to see if you’d qualify for a visa to move down under.
The FREE Australian Visa online assessment tool is designed to instantly determine if you may be eligible to apply for a visa to Australia. The Online Assessment incorporates criteria set by the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) and is the most accurate and comprehensive Online Visa and Immigration Assessment tool available.
To take the free assessment to see if you would qualify for an Australian Visa then please click the link below:
Australian Visa Free Online Assessment
We hope you find this a useful addition and would be happy to hear any inital feedback in the comments below.
This article originally appeared on getting down under.com. Since January 2006, Getting Down Under has been providing Free Australian Immigration news, advice and resources and currently stands as one of the largest independent Australian Migration Websites in the world. As well as the latest Immigration News, getting down under also hosts a thriving immigration forum which can be found by clicking here