Hi guys, so in the last couple of weeks or so we’ve had quite a few problems with our website hosting environment.
As I mentioned earlier in the week, our old web host suspended our account a number of times as the traffic coming to Getting Down Under was getting to high. This caused the whole site to be completely unaccessible.
We tried to work through the issues with our old host but with little joy. This resulted in me seeking out a replacement (and more customer orientated host) and thankfully, I’m please to confirm that the move to a new host has now been completed.
Getting Down Under now sits on it’s own dedicated server. This will ensure: 1. The site is super quick. 2. The site will remain a lot more stable and 3. it will give us a lot more control of our hosting environment.
To Celebrate our move, today we are relaunching the Getting Down Under community forums with a clean fresh look.
We’ve got just under 18,000 registered members at time of typing and our forums represent a great medium to seek help and assistance from those who have already made the move down under or are in the process of making the big move. We also have a number of registered migration agents within our community who regularly visit our forum and provide assistance and advice where they can.
To view our forums, simply use the ‘Community Forums’ link at the top of every one of our pages or simply Click Here.
For our regular forum visitors, I hope you like the new look. For those who haven’t visited our forums before; I look forward to welcoming you to our community.
All the best
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This article originally appeared on getting down under.com. Since January 2006, Getting Down Under has been providing Free Australian Immigration news, advice and resources and currently stands as one of the largest independent Australian Migration Websites in the world. As well as the latest Immigration News, getting down under also hosts a thriving immigration forum which can be found by clicking here